Monday 6 July 2009

Belated catch-up

Sunday (28th)
Distance: 10.03 miles
Time: 1h29m32s

Mile 1 - 9m13s
Mile 2 - 9m04s
Mile 3 - 8m54s
Mile 4 - 8m59s
Mile 5 - 9m07s
Mile 6 - 8m53s
Mile 7 - 8m43s
Mile 8 - 8m57s
Mile 9 - 8m37s
Mile 10 - 8m42s
0.03m - 17s

Exercise: Gym class
Circuit Training (abs)
Time: 45 mins
Distance: 2k
Time: 8m50s

Exercise: Lunchtime run
Distance: 3.29 miles
Time: 28m57s

Mile 1 - 8m40s
Mile 2 - 8m54s
Mile 3 - 8m49s
0.29m - 2m32s

Exercise: Gym training
Treadmill hill run
Distance: 1.2m
Time: 15m
Core exercises: 10 mins
Strength exercises: 25 mins
Elliptical trainer
Distance: 0.79k
Time: 10 mins

Exercise: Gym
Distance: 2k
Time: 8m35s

Elliptical trainer
Distance: 0.65k
Time: 10 mins

Sunday (5th)
Distance: 10.01 miles
Time: 1h27m40s

Mile 1 - 9m05s
Mile 2 - 9m08s
Mile 3 - 9m03s
Mile 4 - 8m57s
Mile 5 - 8m43s
Mile 6 - 8m42s
Mile 7 - 8m28s
Mile 8 - 8m41s
Mile 9 - 8m25s
Mile 10 - 8m19s
0.01m - 04s

Not such a great week for exercise this time, but still keeping up to 6 lots in 8 days. Sunday's run was a hot one, though I left it late so it was no longer scorching. It was still pretty muggy though, so I was bathed in sweat by then end. Nice.

Monday and I try out "circuits" for the first time. Since I want to get my money's worth on my gym membership. I used to do circuits at school. This is something altogether different. In principal the same - you spend a short period of time on each station doing a different exercise. The difference being I used to do 30 seconds per station on an exercise that was doable. Now I'm doing a minute at each one on some exercises that are, quite frankly, beyond me. The personal trainer showed us what to do. The worst one was the "kick-ups" with a twist. Lay on your back, kick your legs up straight, but twist one way and then the other to work the abs. Simple eh? Nope, I couldn't even get my legs to go up!! I obviously have a lot less strength in my core than I thought. Nevermind. Sammy assures me that I'll be able to do it after a bit more practice!
After 45 minutes of punishment, I "cool down" in the ice-cold aircon in the gym with a relaxing 2k row...

Tuesday - day off (still recovering from Monday!)
Wednesday - day off (trip to London to attend the VRH Parliamentary tea at the House of Commons)

Thursday and I'm back to it. Out for a lunchtime run in the heat. It's way too hot to push myself too far or too fast, but I manage a neat 3 miles or so. Then it's back in the gym in the evening. I return to the original training plan as I'm pushed for time. This week I'll be back up to the slightly longer sessions.

Friday and I'm tired, it's been a long week and I've been out late a couple of nights. But I don't want to miss the gym altogether. I don't feel up to the hour's training session, so I go for a simple 2k row again and 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer. It's better than nothing!

And then Sunday comes round again, and I'm up for another 10 miler. This seems quite a good distance to be doing at the moment. It's close enough to a half marathon to keep things ticking over nicely during the summer, but short enough so as not to tire me out altogether now that I'm doing the dreaded circuits on a Monday.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Is there no end to your energy? Can I have some please?!!

Running 13.1 miles in memory of Carl

I ran the Silverstone Half Marathon on 15th March 2009. I managed the 13.1 mile course in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Not a bad effort for my first Half Marathon! I returned in 2010 to run it in 1 hour 54 minutes, and plan to do it again in 2011. I decided to run this in aid of The PSC Trust and PSC Support in memory of my brother Carl, who died from liver failure in November 1997. If you'd like to sponsor me for this - please email me at PSC Trust
PSC Support Or visit my Justgiving page for PSC Support at PSC Support - Justgiving
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