Distance: 1.09 miles
Time: 10m31s
Just a gentle trot today, nothing too strenuous, as it's Silverstone Half Marathon day tomorrow. Since I'm staying over at a friend's this weekend, I gave my Garmin a chance to try out a completely new kind of run for me - one I haven't worked out on a map beforehand. I set off along a road I've never been down before, kept running for 5 minutes, then turned around and ran back again. No more worries about pouring over a map to sort out a route and calculate the distance. Just get out and go!! Ok, get out, wait for the Garmin to pick up a satellite signal, then go. As per usual I set off too fast, so slowed down once I'd got going. I haven't worked out how to judge a 10-minute-mile pace, which is what I think I want to do tomorrow. Luckily there'll be pacers there, so I can just follow them. I always seem to set off about 9-min-mile speed, which is good, but not something I think I can keep up for the whole half marathon. Not on my first one anyway. No doubt later in the year I'll be aiming for another one, and trying to beat the 2 hour time, but not this one. It's just another training run on the road to the London Marathon, so I'm not planning on doing any flying laps...
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1 day ago
1 comment:
I'm useless at working out my pace too. Main problem being I don't know how far a mile is!
Hope you're recovering nicely!
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