How many miles can I run this evening? I didn't have a set plan. I kind of wanted to run for an hour, but would have to take it as it comes. I used a hot water bottle to thoroughly heat my knee beforehand, and I set off slowly, and kept running slowly. My knee was uncomfortable, but not hurting. I managed a mile in 14 minutes, pleased with my deliberate slow pace. Mile two seemed easier, my knee felt like it was loosening up. A third of a mile into mile two, and I'm thinking of doing six. Half a mile in and I'm feeling good.
3.. 5.. 7.. 9.. I'm feeling fine?
Then two thirds of a mile into mile two, and it hit. My lower knee hurt. Not really painful, but some definite discomfort. I slowed down, it felt a bit better, so I slowed down more and started walking, thinking I could walk it off on this mile, and then still carry on. Perhaps nip home to pick up a drink (which I'd forgotten to take out with me, a bad idea on any run over 30-45 minutes). But it hurt more to walk. So I tried running again. But it hurt even more to run. This is ridiculous. Another aborted run this week. Back to the physio tomorrow. I'm not feeling confident about Sunday's "long" run. It was supposed to be 14 miles (actually it was supposed to be 16 by now).
Mile 1 - 14m13s
Mile 2 - 17m19s
On the plus side, my running pack for the Silverstone Half Marathon has finally turned up 10 days before the run. Fingers, toes and anything else I can find to cross that I can finally get on top of my knee problem.
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