Thursday, 15 July 2010

Day 33 - Thursday 15th July: Treadmill hill interval fartleks

Distance: 6.22km (3.86 miles)
Time: 40m00s

Today I was due a steady 40 minutes, but fancied something a bit different, so tried out a new hill profile on the treadmill. 40 minutes broken down into twelve 3.333 minute sections. I took the first one easy to warm up, and try to gauge what was going to happen. After a while it felt a bit slow, so I upped the pace a little. The first "hill" seemed a bit gentle too, but I'd decided that I wanted to do some speed play (or "fartleks" in Swedish). This basically means doing short sprints within a long run. They can be any length you want. Out on the road you can just say to yourself "I'm going to run really fast to the next tree/lamppost/telegraph pole/etc." On the treadmill it's less fun, you just have to whack up the speed for a bit. So I left the hill pattern alone, and didn't alter the gradients.

After the first hill, I did a minute sprint on the flat. I was thinking I'd do anywhere between 30 seconds and a minute, but it felt good - mostly because I wasn't sprinting flat out, so I stuck to this pattern. Somewhere on each flat section - I ran fast for a minute. All except the last one, where I ran slow for 50 seconds, fast for a minute, slow for 40 seconds, fast for 30 seconds then slow for 20 seconds to finish. And then a minute to cool down.

1 gradient 0 8.5km/h
2 gradient 0 9km/h
3 gradient 2 8.5km/h
4 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13km/h
5 gradient 3 8.5km/h
6 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13km/h
7 gradient 4 8km/h
8 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13.5km/h
9 gradient 6 7.7k/h
10 gradient 0 9km/h
11 gradient 6 7.7km/h
12 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13.5km/h + 30s 15km/h

Disappointingly I still ran a shorter distance than I would have done on the road, but then a steady 40 minute run would only normally cover about 4¼ miles, so I wasn't that far off.

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Running 13.1 miles in memory of Carl

I ran the Silverstone Half Marathon on 15th March 2009. I managed the 13.1 mile course in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Not a bad effort for my first Half Marathon! I returned in 2010 to run it in 1 hour 54 minutes, and plan to do it again in 2011. I decided to run this in aid of The PSC Trust and PSC Support in memory of my brother Carl, who died from liver failure in November 1997. If you'd like to sponsor me for this - please email me at PSC Trust
PSC Support Or visit my Justgiving page for PSC Support at PSC Support - Justgiving
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