Time: 40m00s
Today I was due a steady 40 minutes, but fancied something a bit different, so tried out a new hill profile on the treadmill. 40 minutes broken down into twelve 3.333 minute sections. I took the first one easy to warm up, and try to gauge what was going to happen. After a while it felt a bit slow, so I upped the pace a little. The first "hill" seemed a bit gentle too, but I'd decided that I wanted to do some speed play (or "fartleks" in Swedish). This basically means doing short sprints within a long run. They can be any length you want. Out on the road you can just say to yourself "I'm going to run really fast to the next tree/lamppost/telegraph pole/etc." On the treadmill it's less fun, you just have to whack up the speed for a bit. So I left the hill pattern alone, and didn't alter the gradients.
After the first hill, I did a minute sprint on the flat. I was thinking I'd do anywhere between 30 seconds and a minute, but it felt good - mostly because I wasn't sprinting flat out, so I stuck to this pattern. Somewhere on each flat section - I ran fast for a minute. All except the last one, where I ran slow for 50 seconds, fast for a minute, slow for 40 seconds, fast for 30 seconds then slow for 20 seconds to finish. And then a minute to cool down.
1 gradient 0 8.5km/h
2 gradient 0 9km/h
3 gradient 2 8.5km/h
4 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13km/h
5 gradient 3 8.5km/h
6 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13km/h
7 gradient 4 8km/h
8 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13.5km/h
9 gradient 6 7.7k/h
10 gradient 0 9km/h
11 gradient 6 7.7km/h
12 gradient 0 9km/h + 1 min 13.5km/h + 30s 15km/h
Disappointingly I still ran a shorter distance than I would have done on the road, but then a steady 40 minute run would only normally cover about 4¼ miles, so I wasn't that far off.
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